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周记007 | 完美主义、无脚鸟、松绑


  1. 时常,我很难坚持某件事情的原因,往往是因为我总是限制在行为的完美主义之上。这可能是作为一个j人无法打破的悖论。我的规划促使我更好地行动,但是我那严格的方案也引发出来了我人性中的胆怯和懒惰。很多的事情,最后不了了之可能就是这个原因。但是,我希望我可以在了解到这个概念之后,再温和地去尝试更加好的方式。比如说,对于减脂,我不再计较某顿饭是否破戒,开始追求在不知道食物思路的时候,选择蛋白质、维生素和碳水搭配科学的那一套食谱方案;日程表不再提前写好既定的规划, 而罗列一些选择来进行挑选。在我不断追求掌控感的人生之中,有的放矢地去管理自己的心理预期,才可以真正高效地享受生活和事业。

    Often, the reason why I struggle to persist in something is because I tend to be trapped by perfectionism in my actions. This may be a paradox that, as a human, I cannot break. My planning encourages me to act better, but the strictness of my plans also triggers fear and laziness in my nature. Many things end up unfinished, perhaps for this very reason. However, I hope that, after understanding this concept, I can gently try better ways. For example, with weight loss, I no longer obsess over whether I broke my diet during a meal. Instead, I focus on choosing a balanced meal with protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates when I don’t know what to eat. My schedule is no longer set in stone, but rather, I list a range of options and choose from them. In my constant pursuit of control in life, managing my mental expectations in a focused way is the key to truly enjoying both life and work efficiently.

  2. 那么基于这个方案,我对我接下来的人生规划又平添了一些松弛感。2025年可能会是我当无脚鸟的一年。即使我过去的路途走的异常困难,但是总归是有一条隐隐约约的线拖住了我,让我不会从高空坠落,但是这条线也拉扯了我,让我没办法飞得更远。

    Based on this approach, I now have a sense of ease added to my life plan. The year 2025 might be the year I become a bird without wings. Although my past journey has been exceptionally difficult, there has always been a faint thread holding me back from falling from a great height. Yet, this thread also tugs at me, preventing me from flying farther.

  3. 那么我的内心对未来是忐忑但是充满了向往的。当我一层一层给自己松绑,所有曾经的执念,贪念都慢慢地烟消云散。我开始不再抱怨人生当中的苦难和挫折,反而用一个学者的视角去分析、审视当中的因果逻辑,剖析人与事发展的规律。我在人生逆旅之中行走着,但是我过去的生活经历、阅读过的书籍、主动或者被动思考过的问题都沉淀了下来。一步一步指引我向某个方向走去。我需要有获得幸福和爱的能力,并可以坦然而无遗憾地直面死亡,并和我的所有人生过客们擦肩。

    My heart feels anxious but full of longing for the future. As I gradually loosen the chains I’ve placed on myself, all my past obsessions and desires slowly dissipate. I begin to stop complaining about the struggles and setbacks in life. Instead, I adopt a scholar’s perspective to analyze and examine the causal logic within them, and to dissect the patterns of how people and events evolve. I walk along the journey of life, but my past experiences, the books I’ve read, and the questions I’ve consciously or subconsciously pondered have all settled within me. Step by step, they guide me toward a particular direction. I need the ability to obtain happiness and love, to face death with calmness and no regrets, and to pass by all the people I encounter in life.



周记 006 | 漫长的停摆、片刻思考


周记 005 | Departure、创造力迷思、Basics


周记 004 | 生活本质、妈妈、面包


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